Irvington, VA issued the following announcement on July 23
0-3 Months:
Learn about each champion, including their names, most popular roles, passives, abilities, and health. Also, learn who does the most damage, and who has the highest health. Learn about who is capable of filling multiple roles (e.g. Kayle) and who is not (e.g. Most adc
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Learn the core objectives of each game. Instill the feeling that this is a team game. You should behave like a teammate and pay attention to neutral objectives.
You should take the time to learn each role, including jungle and support. This will allow you to understand how to do your job well.
Try every champion that is available during the free champion rotation. But, avoid investing too much time in highly mechanical, high-reward champions (e.g. riven and lee sin until you feel more at ease
Focus on following established builds to support champions that you are currently playing with
4-6 Months
Start by creating a champion pool for the champions you have tried. Next, you can start to identify what type of role you want to specialize in. This should be based on your skills and predispositions, but you also need to consider if it is something that you will enjoy playing.
Work towards level 30 without using IP multipliers. Then, continue playing normals at rank 30, but don`t jump into ranked
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Pay attention to the meta, and consider what team comps are most likely to succeed.
You can improve your champion pool by reading the patch notes and thinking about the changes to the game meta when patches go live.
Predict the roles your opponents will choose for. If there are two champions selected for the same role (e.g. Use lucian or twitch to determine who is going where, and hope one is not trolling.
Take more time to consider the many options available and then work on itemizing each situation.
6-12 Months:
Prepare for ranked play, as this is the only way to learn once you have reached a certain point.
Learn the details of each ability or item stat. For example, the active on ravenous hydroa does different damage depending on the location of your enemies.
When you feel confident enough to consistently outdo your opponents in normals (or if you check their stats and they are already gold, you can play ranked),
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Prioritize ranked anxiety as it is likely to give you some type of negative emotional state.
Focus on your skills and not your rank.
1+ Year:
Keep a log of all reasons you lost a ranking game. Even if it was not your fault, write everything down. For example, you might write “botlane fed 5 kills in 10 minutes and we couldn’t recover”, but think about what you could have done differently to save this game. Perhaps the answer isn`t much. That`s okay. But there`s always the possibility that you could have done something, such as teleporting from the top or mapping your jungle route to be there in time.
As your rank improves, you should work to develop your skills and expertise. You should not play more than one loss per week. This can cause serious damage to your rank. Even though I`m guilty of this, I`ve been playing for nearly four years.
Record and view your replays and, if necessary, get coaching from at least one division above you.
Original source can be found here.